The Atlantic Provinces Economic Council (APEC) has started a three-year research project to examine the potential opportunities, challenges and risks of this transition to net-zero emissions by 2050 for the Atlantic economy. The first report in the new series launches the week of September 26, 2022.

This first report in the series sets the stage for more detailed analysis on various aspects of the net-zero transition, which will be addressed in future reports. It explains why governments are committing to net zero, why this will have major implications for businesses and organizations in this region, and outlines the key issues needing attention in this transition.

Through this series of reports and webinars, APEC will answer such questions as:

  • What are the economic implications and risks of reducing emissions to net-zero in Atlantic Canada?
  • What are the regional economic implications of climate change and the risks of not reducing emissions?
  • How can our region navigate the coming transition in a way that supports economic welfare in an inclusive and sustainable manner?

To learn more about APEC’s net-zero research, visit: