
Michelle Robichaud

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So far Michelle Robichaud has created 64 blog entries.

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2024-02-23T14:10:58+00:00February 23rd, 2024|Member Notices|

As a follow up to the February Boar d meeting, we are pleased to share a few more details about topics mentioned during the discussion. The presentation from the Transition Accelerator is available here: NZEST Atlantica Presentation_240222-print An update on the consultations and on the design optionsbeing considered for the final Clean Electricity Regulations is

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2024-01-26T18:47:06+00:00January 26th, 2024|Member Notices|

As a follow up to the engaging January board meeting, please find below a couple of items of interest: Join us in welcoming ABO Wind and member representative Sean Fleming to the board. Welcome back Erin Polka, who will now be the member representative from Laurentis. In recent news: Nova Scotia Power submitted a filing

Member Spotlight: Fundy Engineering

2024-11-05T18:26:20+00:00January 23rd, 2024|Energy Stories, News|

Atlantica recently interviewed Gord Mouland, Chair, and Darryl Ford, President and CEO of Fundy Engineering & Consulting, to learn more about the business’ operations and the firm’s in Atlantic Canada. Q: Please tell us about Fundy Engineering & Consulting. What work do you do to support the energy sector specifically?

Hydrogen 101

2024-05-08T12:12:40+00:00January 23rd, 2024|Beginner, Educational Resources, Energy Efficiency, Energy Stories, Hydrogen, Hydrogen, Intermediate, News, Transportation|

What is hydrogen?  Hydrogen is the lightest element on the periodic table and commonly exists as two hydrogen atoms together (H2). The H2 molecule is a colourless, odorless gas that produces energy if broken apart. Hydrogen is already an important component in some industrial processes in Atlantic Canada and could become an increasingly

Deloitte: 2024 oil and gas industry outlook

2023-12-31T18:53:14+00:00December 29th, 2023|Publications, Reports|

The oil and gas (O&G) industry should look to uphold capital discipline and prioritize viable low-carbon projects to help successfully navigate the changing energy demand landscape. Deloitte's 2024 O&G industry outlook explores 5 key trends that will shape strategies and priorities of oil and gas companies. Open Publication

The Significant Economic Contributions of Atlantic Indigenous Businesses and Communities

2023-12-18T13:01:39+00:00December 18th, 2023|Publications, Reports|

On December 13, 2023, Atlantic Economic Council's Senior Policy Analyst, Fred Bergman, presented preliminary findings from and upcoming report on the economic impacts of Indigenous businesses and communities throughout Atlantic Canada. The benefits, challenges, and data are reflected in the final report in Spring 2024. Open Publication Here: Atlantic Economic Council - Indigenous Economic

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2024-01-26T18:47:59+00:00December 14th, 2023|Member Notices|

Just a few notes to our members before we head full on into the December holiday season. The Canadian Electricity Advisory Council in an independent advisory body providing advice to the Federal Minister of Energy and Natural Resource. The Council is currently seeking input into many facets of the electricity sector, to which many of

New Brunswick releases energy path to 2035

2024-04-23T23:58:45+00:00December 13th, 2023|Energy Stories, News|

On December 13, the Government of New Brunswick released its strategy for transitioning the province to clean energy: Powering our Economy and the World with Clean Energy – Our Path Forward to 2035. The Atlantica Centre for Energy is pleased that the strategy is focused on four areas ensuring affordability, energy security and reliability, regulatory reform and

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