Energy Efficiency

Balancing the Grid 101

2024-11-27T01:42:03+00:00November 27th, 2024|Beginner, Educational Resources, Energy Efficiency, Energy Stories, Featured, News|

If you have not already read Electricity 101, this article explains what electricity is and Electrical Grid 101 explains how electricity moves from generating stations to customers. Integration 101 explains how electrical utilities are incorporating more renewable generation while keeping the grid reliable for customers. It is also important to understand how and why

New Government, new energy priorities

2024-10-29T23:43:03+00:00October 29th, 2024|Educational Resources, Energy Efficiency, Energy Stories, Featured, News, Policy|

On October 21st, 2024, the New Brunswick Liberal Party won the 2024 provincial election, taking a majority with 31 of 49 seats. The Premier-designate, Susan Holt, will become New Brunswick’s first female Premier. The new Cabinet will be sworn in on November 2nd, 2024.  Energy-related campaign commitments:  Premier-designate Holt made several energy-related commitments during

Energy Wallet 101

2024-05-29T01:49:33+00:00May 29th, 2024|Beginner, Clean Technology, Clean Technology, Educational Resources, Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Energy Stories, Featured, Intermediate, News|

What is an energy wallet? Energy wallet is a relatively new term coined to help describe the total amount a household spends directly on energy. This wallet could include spending on lights, heating, and transportation, as well as the equipment used to do so. Today, many households consider electricity, gasoline, home heating expenses and

Federal government releases new design options for Clean Electricity Regulations

2024-11-05T18:34:40+00:00February 28th, 2024|Beginner, Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Energy Stories, Intermediate|

On February 16, 2024, the federal government released an update with new design options being considered for the Clean Electricity Regulations. The draft Regulations were released on August 10, 2023, and would limit how utilities can use unabated fossil fuels to generate electricity beginning in 2035. Several provinces, utilities, and energy sector stakeholders, among

Nova Scotia Clean Electricity Solutions Task Force releases report

2024-11-05T18:32:42+00:00February 28th, 2024|Beginner, Clean Technology, Clean Technology, Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Energy Stories, Intermediate, Press Releases|

On February 23, 2024, Nova Scotia’s Clean Electricity Solutions Task Force released a report: Modernizing Energy from Transmission to Transformation. The Task Force spent the last roughly 10 months consulting with stakeholders and exploring ways to modernize the province’s electricity infrastructure and regulatory environment. Launched in April 2023, the Task Force includes Alison Scott,

Updates on Nova Scotia Power’s clean electricity transition

2024-11-05T18:30:30+00:00February 17th, 2024|Beginner, Clean Technology, Clean Technology, Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Energy Stories, Intermediate, News, Press Releases|

Nova Scotia Power is busy preparing for a transition away from coal-fired electricity generation and to meet provincial mandates to provide 80 per cent renewable electricity sales by 2030, as well meet the federal government’s incoming Clean Electricity Regulations, which will require the utility to meet net-zero by 2035. Read below for a synopsis

Peak energy shaving: how it saves you money and helps lower emissions

2024-11-05T18:24:18+00:00January 23rd, 2024|Beginner, Educational Resources, Energy Efficiency, Energy Stories, News|

As Atlantic Canada enters its coldest season, there are still ways homeowners and businesses can save money and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions when electricity demand hits its peak. Peak demand occurs when homes and businesses use the most electricity at the same time, typically on the coldest days and during certain times

Net Zero 101

2023-07-25T23:34:15+00:00May 31st, 2023|Beginner, Clean Technology, Clean Technology, Educational Resources, Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Energy Stories, Intermediate, News, Plans & Roadmaps|

What does net zero actually mean?  Achieving "net zero" means equalling the difference between the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced by human activity and the amount removed from the atmosphere. GHGs in Canada include carbon dioxide (80%) and methane (14%), among others. Net-zero emissions is similar to carbon neutrality, which is often

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