
Biofuels 101: Biodiesel and Ethanol

2024-11-27T01:59:26+00:00June 25th, 2024|Beginner, Bioenergy, Bioenergy, Educational Resources, Energy Stories, Intermediate, News, Transportation|

Two biofuels commonly used today in Atlantic Canada are ethanol and biodiesel, which are blended in gasoline and diesel, respectively. Ethanol and biodiesel are considered renewable fuels because they are produced from biomass. What is biodiesel? Biodiesel is also known as FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester). It is a renewable biodegradable alternative fuel substitute

Hydrogen 101

2024-05-08T12:12:40+00:00January 23rd, 2024|Beginner, Educational Resources, Energy Efficiency, Energy Stories, Hydrogen, Hydrogen, Intermediate, News, Transportation|

What is hydrogen?  Hydrogen is the lightest element on the periodic table and commonly exists as two hydrogen atoms together (H2). The H2 molecule is a colourless, odorless gas that produces energy if broken apart. Hydrogen is already an important component in some industrial processes in Atlantic Canada and could become an increasingly

Smart Grid 101

2024-05-29T01:52:46+00:00November 28th, 2023|Beginner, Educational Resources, Energy Efficiency, Energy Stories, Intermediate, News, Transportation|

Smart Grid 101 builds off of lessons learned in Electricity 101 and Electrical Grid 101. Together, these pages can help you better understand how we use electricity as energy today, and how we can do so more efficiently in the future. Over a century ago, the electrical grid in Atlantic Canada was established to

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