Member Notices

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2024-02-23T14:10:58+00:00February 23rd, 2024|Member Notices|

As a follow up to the February Boar d meeting, we are pleased to share a few more details about topics mentioned during the discussion. The presentation from the Transition Accelerator is available here: NZEST Atlantica Presentation_240222-print An update on the consultations and on the design optionsbeing considered for the final Clean Electricity Regulations is

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2024-01-26T18:47:06+00:00January 26th, 2024|Member Notices|

As a follow up to the engaging January board meeting, please find below a couple of items of interest: Join us in welcoming ABO Wind and member representative Sean Fleming to the board. Welcome back Erin Polka, who will now be the member representative from Laurentis. In recent news: Nova Scotia Power submitted a filing

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2024-01-26T18:47:59+00:00December 14th, 2023|Member Notices|

Just a few notes to our members before we head full on into the December holiday season. The Canadian Electricity Advisory Council in an independent advisory body providing advice to the Federal Minister of Energy and Natural Resource. The Council is currently seeking input into many facets of the electricity sector, to which many of

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2024-01-26T18:48:46+00:00November 24th, 2023|Member Notices|

November 1-2, 2024, Boston, MA The New England Canada Business Council Executive Energy Conference is an annual event, which was once again packed with panels on various topics of concern to the energy sector. The focus of the event was Implementing Efficient Frameworks to Meet 2030/2050 GHG Reduction Goals: Can We Achieve in Time the

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2024-01-26T18:49:20+00:00November 24th, 2023|Member Notices|

As a follow up to the engaging board meeting yesterday, you will find additional information pertaining to the discussion: The Fuel 4 the Future project is fully launched with active engagement in Post-Secondary institutions around Atlantic Canada. Please contact if you are interested in participating in upcoming on-campus events, adding your company profile or

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2024-01-26T18:50:12+00:00October 27th, 2023|Member Notices|

Please complete our annual membership survey to provide feedback on 2024 priorities and 2023 activities to date. Deloitte’s most recent reports: Energy, oil, and gas price forecast and Capturing the potential of Generative AI Irving Pulp & Paper Modernization website with updates: Notes re: November 23 board meeting for planning Nov 23, meeting hosted

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2024-01-26T18:50:47+00:00August 31st, 2023|Member Notices|

As a follow up to the August Board meeting, I wanted to send along a few additional updates. Did you get Atlantica’s August Newsletter? Sent on the last Wednesday morning of each month, you can find the latest on the website. (We are always looking for contributions from members.) Regional Assessment of Offshore Wind Development

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2023-08-25T13:48:45+00:00August 25th, 2023|Member Notices|

As a follow up to August's board meeting, please see the information and links to member-only documents below. Jonathan has put together a summary of key points from the Clean Electricity Regulations. Michelle attended a Nuclear professional development session hosted by MIT in Boston earlier this month: summary of the sessions, speakers and attendees. Presentations

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2024-01-26T18:52:05+00:00June 28th, 2023|Member Notices|

As we head into summer vacation season and sunny weather, I thought you might like to know about some activity at Atlantica this past month as well as a few action items you should be aware of related to the energy sector. Inaugural Atlantica Energy Summit – The participant feedback has been extremely positive, with

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2023-06-13T12:43:07+00:00June 1st, 2023|Member Notices|

APEC’s latest report: Why is energy so important to our net-zero transition? (May 2023) Public Policy Forum Atlantic Momentum Index (March 2023) Saint John Energy recently released roadmap to achieving net-zero emissions by 2030: Zero30 Mark Your calendars: Grand Opening of the Burchill Windfarm is on June 6 from 3pm-5pm. Canadian Nuclear Society National Conference

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2023-06-13T12:42:43+00:00May 1st, 2023|Member Notices|

Good morning ! As a follow up to last week’s Board Meeting, here are a list of items we thought you might find helpful. If you have not already done so, please call the Rodd Crowbush resort to confirm your reservation if you are attending the Atlantica Energy Summit in June. Rooms MUST be confirmed

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2023-04-13T16:15:37+00:00April 2nd, 2023|Member Notices|

A NOTICE has been added to the member-only section of the website providing with resources for: 2023 FEDERAL BUDGET SUMMARY If you have not already registered and booked your room for the upcoming June Atlantica Energy Summit, PLEASE CONTACT MICHELLE ASAP. The rooms are booking VERY quickly so we need to know if you are

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