Energy Stories

Final Clean Electricity Regulations now in effect

2025-01-28T20:32:14+00:00January 28th, 2025|Energy Stories, Featured, News|

On December 17, 2024, the Government of Canada finalized its Clean Electricity Regulations (CER), which are now in effect. In its release, the federal government also announced Powering Canada’s Future; its strategy to decarbonize Canada’s electrical grid. What are the Clean Electricity Regulations? The Clean Electricity Regulations aim to help

Biofuels 101: Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)

2025-01-28T20:36:18+00:00January 28th, 2025|Educational Resources, Energy Stories, Featured, News|

Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is an alternative for petroleum-based jet (aviation) fuel, which is made in-part from biomass. Its production and use create significantly fewer emissions than petroleum-based jet fuel. What is jet (aviation) fuel? Like jet fuel, SAF is a mixture of different hydrocarbons which ratios can vary widely. Instead, its definition is

Progressive Conservatives form Government again in Nova Scotia

2024-11-28T14:43:46+00:00November 27th, 2024|Energy Stories, Featured, News|

On November 26, 2024, the Progressive Conservative Party of Nova Scotia won the province’s 2024 General Election, taking a supermajority (43 of 55 seats). The Honourable Tim Houston will continue in his role as Premier. The Nova Scotia New Democratic Party will form the Official Opposition with nine seats, and the Nova Scotia Liberal

Balancing the Grid 101

2024-11-27T01:42:03+00:00November 27th, 2024|Beginner, Educational Resources, Energy Efficiency, Energy Stories, Featured, News|

If you have not already read Electricity 101, this article explains what electricity is and Electrical Grid 101 explains how electricity moves from generating stations to customers. Integration 101 explains how electrical utilities are incorporating more renewable generation while keeping the grid reliable for customers. It is also important to understand how and why

Draft regulations released for the federal oil and gas emissions cap

2024-11-27T01:40:38+00:00November 27th, 2024|Educational Resources, Energy Stories, Featured, Natural Gas, News|

On November 4th, 2024, the federal government announced its long-awaited draft Oil and Gas Sector Greenhouse Gas Emissions Cap Regulations. The Regulations as proposed would regulate upstream oil and gas facilities, including offshore facilities, and would also apply to liquefied natural gas production facilities. It would not include oil refineries, which are already subject

The Port of Belledune: An Atlantic Canadian leader committed to clean energy, economic development and community engagement

2024-11-27T01:37:17+00:00November 27th, 2024|Beginner, Clean Technology, Educational Resources, Energy Stories, Featured, News|

Atlantica recently interviewed Denis Caron, President and CEO, and Jennifer Cleversey-Moffitt, CAO and General Counsel, for the Port of Belledune, to learn more about the Port and its Green Energy Hub project. Q: Situated in rural northern New Brunswick, the Port of Belledune is one of 17 federal port authorities. What

New Government, new energy priorities

2024-10-29T23:43:03+00:00October 29th, 2024|Educational Resources, Energy Efficiency, Energy Stories, Featured, News, Policy|

On October 21st, 2024, the New Brunswick Liberal Party won the 2024 provincial election, taking a majority with 31 of 49 seats. The Premier-designate, Susan Holt, will become New Brunswick’s first female Premier. The new Cabinet will be sworn in on November 2nd, 2024.  Energy-related campaign commitments:  Premier-designate Holt made several energy-related commitments during

Energy Spotlight: Nunatsiavut Government

2024-09-25T00:54:01+00:00September 25th, 2024|Energy Stories, Featured, News|

Atlantica recently interviewed Jamie Hewlett, Regional Energy Coordinator for the Nunatsiavut Government, to learn more about the Nunatsiavut Community’s renewable energy projects and Energy Security Plan. Q: Please tell us a little bit about the Nunatsiavut Government and your role. A. Nunatsiavut is located in northern

Nova Scotia legislation paves way to develop new green energy sources

2024-09-25T01:24:04+00:00September 24th, 2024|Energy Stories, Featured, News|

On September 10, 2024, the Honourable Tory Rushton, Nova Scotia’s Minister of Natural Resources and Renewables introduced the Advancing Nova Scotia Opportunities Act (Bill 471), an omnibus Bill to make several legislative changes including several specific to the energy sector. The legislation, which received Royal Assent on September 20th, made significant changes to enable

Université de Moncton: Relationships in Clean Energy Innovation Ecosystems Research Survey

2024-09-25T00:34:57+00:00August 27th, 2024|Clean Technology, Clean Technology, Energy Stories, News|

A message in French follows. Atlantica Centre for Energy is proud to act as a research partner by collaborating with the Université de Moncton on the "Relationships in Clean Energy Innovation Ecosystems" research project. The project aims to understand how and why collaborations (or cooperations) in the Canadian energy industry contribute to the innovation

Biofuels 101: Renewable Diesel

2024-11-27T01:59:45+00:00August 27th, 2024|Bioenergy, Bioenergy, Educational Resources, Energy Stories, News|

The Atlantica Centre for Energy explored two common biofuels used today in Biofuels 101: Biodiesel and Ethanol. While there are several other types of biofuels growing in importance, renewable diesel may play a particularly important role in Atlantic Canada’s energy future. What is renewable diesel? Renewable diesel is a synthetic

Nova Scotia ‘s Regional Energy and Resource Table is released

2024-11-27T01:59:30+00:00August 27th, 2024|Energy Stories, News, Uncategorized|

On July 30, the Governments of Canada and Nova Scotia released The Nova Scotia Regional Energy and Resource Table Framework for Collaboration on the Path to Net Zero (Collaboration Framework). This Collaboration Frame is a result of the Canada-Nova Scotia Regional Energy and Resource Table, which launched in October 2022. Nova Scotia’s Regional Energy

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