
The Atlantica Centre for Energy is committed to helping foster sustainable growth related to energy opportunities in Atlantic Canada by proactively engaging with industry, the education and research sectors, government, and the public. The Centre’s commentaries reflect on various energy topics and are part of our mandate to facilitate dialogue while increasing energy literacy in the region.

Myth-busting nuclear energy

August 29th, 2023|

Commentary by Dr. John Crompton, MD, FRCP, Past President Conservation Council of New Brunswick. This commentary first appeared in The Hill Times on August 24, 2023. It is shared with the author's permission.  It

My energy knowledge shift

May 31st, 2023|

Student Perspective by Yeasmin Ibrahim I am Yeasmin, I will be graduating from the NBCC Business Administration: Marketing Diploma program in June. I consider myself a creator at heart with many mediums including food,

Where are the Clean Electricity Regulations?

April 26th, 2023|

Commentary by Michelle Robichaud, President of the Atlantica Centre for Energy  The federal government is in the process of developing transformative new Clean Electricity Regulations (CER) to nearly eliminate emissions from electricity generation for