Atlantic Canada is hampered in the pursuit of a clean energy future by outdated government policy and regulations, a new discussion paper from the Atlantica Centre for Energy says.

In the paper, released in September, 2021, the Centre calls for a regional effort backed by the premiers of the Atlantic provinces to drive innovation in clean energy solutions and modernize regulations.

“Societal expectations are pushing governments and utilities to deliver ‘next generation’ clean energy, yet energy regulations are unclear, or even prohibitive, to carrying out these changes,” says Energy Regulatory Reform – An Atlantic Canadian Imperative.

“The theme of regulatory reform has been a focus of government, academia, and industry associations for well over a decade but has reached a new level of urgency due to the recent national commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40 to 45 per cent by 2030,” it says.

Among the recommendations in the succinct discussion paper is the formation of a regional clean energy task force backed by the Council of Atlantic Premiers focused on clean energy innovation, energy policy and regulatory clarity. The task force would include representatives from all four provincial governments, the Government of Canada and the region’s energy utilities and producers.

“With its history of ingenuity and innovation, Atlantic Canada has an exciting opportunity to lead the nation in the pursuit of a clean energy future,” says Neil Jacobsen, senior policy consultant with the Atlantica Centre for Energy.

“But to succeed, we must operate as a region and must remove the barriers of outdated or inefficient regulations. While society and governments are pressing for a new era of clean energy sources and technologies, energy providers and regulators alike are forced to work with rules designed for a different era,” Jacobsen says.

The Atlantica Centre for Energy serves as a bridge between organizations operating in the energy sector and the community to help realize opportunities associated with energy resources in Atlantic Canada. For more information and a copy of the discussion paper, visit

Dave Stonehouse
Communications, Atlantica Centre for Energy
(506) 653-7322