Economic Impact

The race to a green economy

2023-06-27T23:58:13+00:00February 21st, 2023|Commentaries, News|

Commentary by Michelle Robichaud, President, Atlantica Centre for Energy It feels like Atlantic Canada is in a global race to be part of the net zero by 2050 transition. New sources of energy generation, storage and/or transmission seems to be a priority for each and every province and state. For the first time in history,

Concerns about Clean Fuel Standard gain media attention

2022-11-22T12:52:30+00:00November 16th, 2020|Energy Stories, News|

A recent commentary about Ottawa’s proposed Clean Fuel Standard has received wide coverage in the region’s news media as awareness grows about the implications of the policy for Atlantic Canada. Stephen MacMackin, chair of the Atlantica Centre for Energy, writes in the commentary that Ottawa is about to usher in a second carbon tax on all

Economist explores impact of high energy costs on NB export sector

2022-11-22T14:26:03+00:00June 8th, 2020|Energy Stories, News|

Herb Emery, columnist and Vaughan Chair of Regional Economics at the University of New Brunswick, has drawn a clear link between competitive energy rates and sustainable jobs in a recent blog post on the Atlantic Institute for Policy Research site. Emery looks at some of the key factors that explain why the province’s manufacturing exports stalled

Let’s Choose Growth – it’s time

2022-11-22T15:15:05+00:00September 10th, 2018|Energy Stories, News|

Commentary from The Atlantica Centre for Energy For over 15 years The Atlantica Centre for Energy has assessed the potential of the energy sector in the Maritimes, and specifically here in New Brunswick. Over this period there have been some projects with great potential and some long shots, but all had one thing in

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