Nova Scotia (NS)

Nova Scotia Clean Electricity Solutions Task Force releases report

2024-11-05T18:32:42+00:00February 28th, 2024|Beginner, Clean Technology, Clean Technology, Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Energy Stories, Intermediate, Press Releases|

On February 23, 2024, Nova Scotia’s Clean Electricity Solutions Task Force released a report: Modernizing Energy from Transmission to Transformation. The Task Force spent the last roughly 10 months consulting with stakeholders and exploring ways to modernize the province’s electricity infrastructure and regulatory environment. Launched in April 2023, the Task Force includes Alison Scott,

Updates on Nova Scotia Power’s clean electricity transition

2024-11-05T18:30:30+00:00February 17th, 2024|Beginner, Clean Technology, Clean Technology, Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Energy Stories, Intermediate, News, Press Releases|

Nova Scotia Power is busy preparing for a transition away from coal-fired electricity generation and to meet provincial mandates to provide 80 per cent renewable electricity sales by 2030, as well meet the federal government’s incoming Clean Electricity Regulations, which will require the utility to meet net-zero by 2035. Read below for a synopsis

Atlantic Canada’s Electricity Future – Discussion Series Part 2: Electricity Demand

2024-11-05T18:36:15+00:00September 27th, 2022|Discussion Papers, Publications|

The purpose of the second discussion paper in Atlantic Canada’s Electricity Future – Discussion Series is to help Atlantic Canadians better understand how federal regulatory changes and policies aimed at achieving net-zero emission by 2050, as well as evolving consumer behaviours, will likely increase electricity demand across the Atlantic provinces. Like the first paper in

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