Prince Edward Island (PEI)

Member Spotlight: PEI Energy Corporation and the PEI Energy Blueprint

2024-05-29T01:53:43+00:00February 27th, 2024|Energy Stories, News|

Andrew Halliday, Director of Policy and Planning, of the PEI Energy Corporation, the provincial crown utility, presented at the Energy Fundamentals for Leaders, a program offered to professionals through UNB’s Saint John College and facilitated by the Atlantica Centre for Energy. Andrew was asked to discuss the PEI Energy Blueprint Discussion Paper, and the

Atlantic Canada’s Electricity Future – Discussion Series Part 1: Electricity Supply

2022-11-23T02:18:39+00:00November 23rd, 2022|Discussion Papers, Publications|

The purpose of this discussion paper is to help Atlantic Canadians better understand how federal regulatory changes, aimed at achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, will impact the supply of electricity in Atlantic Canada. This paper uses publicly available federal data through the Canada Energy Regulator’s Energy Futures 2021 report. Open Publication

Atlantic Canada’s Electricity Future – Discussion Series Part 2: Electricity Demand

2022-11-23T02:35:58+00:00September 27th, 2022|Discussion Papers, Publications|

The purpose of the second discussion paper in Atlantic Canada’s Electricity Future – Discussion Series is to help Atlantic Canadians better understand how federal regulatory changes and policies aimed at achieving net-zero emission by 2050, as well as evolving consumer behaviours, will likely increase electricity demand across the Atlantic provinces. Like the first paper in

The questions we aren’t asking about our clean energy transition

2022-11-21T20:58:11+00:00July 19th, 2022|Commentaries, Energy Stories, News|

COMMENTARY: Stephen MacMackin Reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 is an ambitious but important goal; one supported by businesses and residents across Canada. However, in Atlantic Canada, the path to get there must be more realistic, fair and affordable than it appears today. In June 2022, the Atlantica Centre for Energy released the first discussion paper in

Fuel price increases more shocking than solutions

2022-11-21T21:16:37+00:00March 22nd, 2022|Commentaries, Energy Stories, News|

BY MICHELLE ROBICHAUD COMMENTARY Recent volatility in fuel prices has stunned most Atlantic Canadians and risen as a top concern for provincial governments across our region. While these extreme fluctuations are shocking, regional solutions are less so, though not without their own challenges. Russia’s war on Ukraine and corresponding import bans on Russian oil and

If we work together, our region’s energy future is bright

2022-11-23T15:24:50+00:00January 26th, 2022|Commentaries, Energy Stories, News|

STEPHEN MACMACKIN COMMENTARY While the Atlantic provinces remain national leaders in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the path forward to carbon neutrality will require an unprecedented effort from all of us. How our region produces and uses energy will need to rapidly evolve and incorporate transformative new energy technologies, some of which are being developed right

Atlantic Canada’s GHG Fact Sheet

2022-11-23T14:20:48+00:00June 1st, 2021|Powerpoint, Publications|

Greenhouse gases (GHG) are essentially 93% water vapour, carbon dioxide and methane. They are emitted from normal human and animal activities, like exhaling. These gases have a natural cycle where nature attempts to balance them in the atmosphere. For example, plants inhale carbon dioxide, while humans and animals exhale it. Open Publication

The Canadian Energy Efficiency Scorecard: Provinces and Territories

2022-11-21T20:12:23+00:00January 1st, 2021|Publications, Reports|

The Canadian Energy Efficiency Scorecard tracks provinces and territories on 54 metrics across energy efficiency programs, buildings, transportation and industry, and provides an overall score. The annual report measures provincial and territorial progress on energy efficiency programming and outlines the policy recommendations required to support and catalyze better energy efficiency performance — vital to

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