Renewable Natural Gas

Nova Scotia legislation paves way to develop new green energy sources

2024-09-25T01:24:04+00:00September 24th, 2024|Energy Stories, Featured, News|

On September 10, 2024, the Honourable Tory Rushton, Nova Scotia’s Minister of Natural Resources and Renewables introduced the Advancing Nova Scotia Opportunities Act (Bill 471), an omnibus Bill to make several legislative changes including several specific to the energy sector. The legislation, which received Royal Assent on September 20th, made significant changes to enable

A Retrospective of Fuel 4 the Future

2024-11-27T01:59:06+00:00May 29th, 2024|Bioenergy, Commentaries, Educational Resources, Hydrogen, Natural Gas, News|

Commentary by Leah Butler, Manager, Energy Literacy Initiatives, Atlantica Centre for Energy The first iteration of Fuel 4 the Future set out to target the lack of awareness the next generation of the workforce has about opportunities, benefits, and considerations related to adopting clean fuels in Atlantic Canada. Through collaboration

Natural Gas 101

2024-05-29T01:54:52+00:00February 28th, 2024|Beginner, Educational Resources, Energy Stories, Intermediate, Natural Gas, Natural Gas, News|

What is natural gas and how is it processed? Natural gas is an energy source found underground in sedimentary basins and is colourless and odourless. It primarily consists of methane, with smaller amounts of ethane, propane, butane, pentanes, and other hydrocarbons. There are three extraction methods of natural gas in Canada, including conventional drilling,

Hydrogen 101

2024-05-08T12:12:40+00:00January 23rd, 2024|Beginner, Educational Resources, Energy Efficiency, Energy Stories, Hydrogen, Hydrogen, Intermediate, News, Transportation|

What is hydrogen?  Hydrogen is the lightest element on the periodic table and commonly exists as two hydrogen atoms together (H2). The H2 molecule is a colourless, odorless gas that produces energy if broken apart. Hydrogen is already an important component in some industrial processes in Atlantic Canada and could become an increasingly

Member Spotlight: Eastward Energy

2024-05-29T01:52:57+00:00November 20th, 2023|Energy Stories, News, Uncategorized|

Atlantica recently interviewed Derek Estabrook, Vice President of Business Development for Eastward Energy, to learn more about the business’ operations and future in Nova Scotia. Q. Please tell us about Eastward Energy. What do you do in the energy sector? A. Eastward Energy is Nova Scotia’s natural gas distribution utility.

Irving Oil partners with Anaergia to supply refinery with RNG 

2024-11-05T18:36:44+00:00January 18th, 2023|Energy Stories, News|

On January 18, 2023, Irving Oil announced a partnership with global waste-to-renewable natural gas (RNG) industry leader Anaergia Inc. to supply the Saint John refinery with carbon-negative RNG, as well as Irving Oil’s other operations such as Delivered Natural Gas. About 350 million cubic feet of RNG will be supplied annually from Anaergia Inc. 

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