Smart Grid

Smart Grid 101

2024-05-29T01:52:46+00:00November 28th, 2023|Beginner, Educational Resources, Energy Efficiency, Energy Stories, Intermediate, News, Transportation|

Smart Grid 101 builds off of lessons learned in Electricity 101 and Electrical Grid 101. Together, these pages can help you better understand how we use electricity as energy today, and how we can do so more efficiently in the future. Over a century ago, the electrical grid in Atlantic Canada was established to

Industry Spotlight: AKA Energy Systems

2023-11-27T14:44:36+00:00September 26th, 2023|Energy Stories, News|

Atlantica recently interviewed Jason Aspin, CEO of AKA Energy Systems, to learn more about the business’ operations in Prince Edward Island and across the world.  Q. Please tell us about AKA Energy Systems. What do you do in the energy sector? A. AKA Energy Systems is a globally recognized systems

Deloitte: 2023 power and utilities industry outlook

2022-12-19T16:33:35+00:00December 15th, 2022|Publications, Reports|

In 2023, supply chain snags, rising costs, and extreme weather are likely to continue plaguing the power and utilities sector. But promising trends in innovation and investment, buoyed by recent legislation, can help the sector fulfill its mission to provide increasingly secure, reliable, clean, and affordable electricity. Deloitte’s 2023 outlook examines the latest power

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