Integration 101: How renewable energy resources fit into the electricity grid

The electrical grid appears simple, turning on a light switch or moving the thermostat and getting an instant result. Usually, the light comes on or the room begins to warm or cool. However, the electrical grid is much more complex and requires many different tasks to be performed properly for the grid to function as needed.

Electricity generation follows a simple principle which is “Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only altered in form.” When a utility burns a fuel, splits an atom, turns a generator using wind or water, or collects energy from the sun, energy is transformed into electricity.

However, in many cases, this electricity must be available at any time or in storage to ensure lives and businesses can work seamlessly. Firm load, commonly referred to as base load, is the amount of customer demand that must be met at all times. This means the utility must always have sufficient resources available to meet this level of electricity demand.

Electricity that can be delivered at any time when needed by customers is called dispatchable generation. Dispatchable generation helps to stabilize electrical grids and allows utilities to use more and more renewable energy (also known as variable or intermittent electricity) as it can deliver energy in the moments when renewable energy (such as wind and solar) are not available (e.g. when the wind is low at night).

Why is electricity integration so important?

Understanding the proper system arrangement between dispatchable and intermittent electricity generation is crucial in designing a reliable and resilient electricity grid, especially in the context of an energy transition towards more sustainable energy.

How can Atlantic Canadian utilities add more wind and solar generation to their electrical grids?

To allow more renewable electricity generation, like wind and solar, utilities must integrate these energy sources with their existing resources and new fast acting generation and/or battery storage to ensure that if the wind isn’t blowing or the sun isn’t shining, a customer still has power available to them. Integration methods come in many forms from energy efficiency (to lower the overall demand), to adding more immediately dispatchable generation just as natural gas combustion turbines, to battery energy storage systems and pumped hydro storage. These integration methods won’t be used all the time but must be available when needed to ensure customer demand is met.

With enough integration capacity in place, utilities can add larger quantities of intermittent electricity generation (like wind and solar) to their electrical grids without a risk of an electricity shortage in times of low energy production.

What is the role of renewable electricity integration in Atlantic Canada’s net-zero future?

Adoption of wind and solar electricity generation have risen dramatically in Atlantic Canada and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. It will be increasingly important to integrate more, often affordable, renewable energy for Atlantic Canada’s grids, especially in the Maritime provinces, to decarbonize the electricity sector and meet growing demand with new low-emitting generation. At the same time, especially in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, utilities will stop using coal-fired baseload generation by 2030.

To do so, Atlantic utilities are already pursing several strategies to build more dispatchable generation including battery energy storage systems, exploring opportunities for more electricity imports (and exports in NB and NL), energy efficiency programs. NB Power, Nova Scotia Power, and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro are all pursuing new fossil-fuel or dual fuel combustion turbines to use on a limited basis. All these strategies, together, will play a role in ensuring the Atlantic grids can integrate more renewables as affordably and reliably as possible for ratepayers.